Sigil Séance Against Space Billionaires

Lucile Olympe Haute, Université de Nîmes
David Benqué, Institute of Diagram Studies

Radical Futures Conference
8th May 2024, University College Cork

The passengers of Blue Origin NS-16, the first passenger flight of Jeff Bezos’ New Shepard Rocket. (Jeff Bezos, Mark Bezos, Wally Funk, Oliver Daemen)* - photo: BlueOrigins / Twitter, as found in Marx (2021)

New Space; the billionaire colonialist/ecocidal industrial complex


SpaceTech Market Map - Valery Komissarov 2016

The space-billionaire future

Ecocidal Colonial
Earth Fossil fuels
Ressource extraction
Starlink satelites
Land grabs
Outer-Space Starman roadster
Space junk
Inter-planetary contamination
Asteroid mining
Moon colonisation
Mars colonisation

“engineering territory,” or the leveraging of new technology to construct virgin territory in ostensibly empty spaces that can then be claimed as territorial property

Utrata, A. (2023) ‘Engineering Territory: Space and Colonies in Silicon Valley, American Political Science Review, pp. 1–13. Available at:

Musk, E. (2017) ‘Making Humans a Multi-Planetary Species, New Space. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers, 5(2), pp. 46–61. Available at:

Amazon patent US10419106B1

Au, Y. (2023) ‘The sprint to plug in the moon’, in Cath, C. (ed.) Eaten by the Internet. Manchester, UK: Meatspace Press.

Starlink Map -

Musk, E. (2017) ‘Making Humans a Multi-Planetary Species, New Space. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers, 5(2), pp. 46–61. Available at:

A Sigil Séance

Osman Spare, A. (1913) The Book of Pleasure: The Psychology of Ecstasy. Available at:

Sigils gathered by Jackson (2013), redrawn with additions from the authors

Jackson, M. B. (2013) Sigils, ciphers and scripts: History and graphic function of magick symbols. Somerset, England: Green Magic.

drawing of the sigil on a 3x3 grid

Bind Billionaires who fly to the upper sky from coming back to Earth

Sigil Generator v1 - source code:

Sigil Séance inaugural session

Ritual script for a teleperformance (~1 hour)

1) Hosts and participants introduce each other
2) Participants are invited to add entities to the formation
   (e.g. Karl Marx, Laika, Vladimir Komarov). 
   Each entity is summoned by launching their name
3) Hosts declare the formation copmlete
4) Payload: participants are invited to share 
   anti-space-billionaire phrases for 
   collective launching
5) Summoned entities are released by launching their reversed name
6) Hosts declare the formation open
7) Discussion and de-briefing 

Magick & teleperformance as counter-attack formations

Jusatsu Kito Sodan (photo: Mitsutoshi Hanaga Estate)

Hopfner, J. (2020) ‘Power of the Powerless; On ritual, protest and the art of self-defence’, Dark Mountain. Available at:

W.I.T.C.H. Portland Instagram

Witches against Trump: #bindtrump & #magicalresistance

The Hologram by Cassie Thornton

Thornton, C. (2020) The Hologram; Feminist, Peer-to-Peer Health for a Post-Pandemic Future. Pluto Press (Vagabonds).

Taking dark magic seriously

Leaving aside the human toll, by wiping out a fathomless number of no less important organisms, those responsible for industrial pollution threatened the entire cosmic order. A curse was therefore the only proportionate response

Hopfner, J. (2020) ‘Power of the Powerless; On ritual, protest and the art of self-defence’, Dark Mountain. Available at:

Conclusion & Future Work

Future goal: peer-to-peer séance infrastructure using WebRTC

…if we want to get right with space, we’re going to have to get right with religion.To expose the values of contemporary techno-science as the product of bad mythologies and seek out better ones.

Rubenstein, M.-J. (2022) Astrotopia: The dangerous religion of the corporate space race. Chicago, IL, USA: The University of Chicago Press.

Lucile Olympe Haute
David Benqué